
目前顯示的是 8月, 2010的文章

Fix X11 output problem

Problem: X only shows a empty desktop Cause: Main screen goes somewhere else Fix: 1) Add/Modify "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" to disable specific output https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" Option "monitor-LVDS" "LVDS" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "LVDS" Option "Ignore" "True" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" EndSection 2) Disable KMS in kernel boot command line by appending "nomodeset"

Regular Expression for C/C++

http://changyy.pixnet.net/blog/post/22760327 http://mij.oltrelinux.com/devel/unixprg/

Fix Ubuntu 10.04 KMS for Intel-gpu-based units && Simple Plymouth Howto

Intro: Ubuntu to introduces  Plymouth as boot splash solution to replace Usplash instead for more rich and complex boot visual effects. Also new linux kernel introduces KMS (Kernel Mode Switchig) to replace old UMS (User Mode Switching) to reduce flicker during whole boot process. However, some users may have bad experiences to Ubuntu new boot splash system.  Here is a solution for  Intel-gpu-based units. How to Confirm this issue: Run "dmesg | grep drm" and you should be able to see three message corresponds to three modules loading. If they are loaded in 3 sec, you are good and KMS is ready. You can skip the rest part. Otherwise, for example, if they are loaded after 10 sec, it means KMS is failed to start before Plymouth is up so you can see nothing while booting. Please go proceeding to the next step. Fix KMS in initramfs Refer Source:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/377875/comments/25 For Intel GPUs, you need to add three modules to ma


那小弟先來剖析一下可能消毒的策略: 1.頻寬無用論:要那麼大的頻寬幹什麼? 2.網路使用無理論:這些一定都是在非法使用!上網只要56K就夠了。 3.雲端學理論:你知道什麼是雲端嗎?雲端不等於頻寬!當掉! 4.市場競爭論:唉....都怪其他廠商不爭氣,讓龍頭可以這麼囂張~ 5.政治黑暗論:我們龍頭也是受害者,都是政治惹的禍。 6.公司實務論:我們公司也用不到這些,你們都是在做什麼大事業? 7.移民論:你乾脆去當韓國人好了! 8.面向光明論:台灣的網路比很多國家來的好,要知足...想當初我在索馬利亞.... 引用自: http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=507&t=1693343&p=1#21508349

Suse 筆記

 套件管理Zypper http://hi.baidu.com/jrckkyy/blog/item/a91d2b2575d2bc6b35a80fb7.html Virtualbox Guest Add-On http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-help-here/applications/434452-virtualbox-guest-additions-how-set-shared-folder-opensuse-11-2-guest.html