OSS Digital Signage Install Note: Concerto Signage

Introduction 介紹
Concerto是一套OSS開放原始碼的Digital Signage Solution,同時也有考慮另外一套Xibo,同為OSS的軟體,不過Xibo需要以Windows為客戶端,因為這點就把注意力轉向Concerto,他還有提供以LiveCD為媒介的客戶端,比起來高下立見,只不過跟Xibo比起來,Concerto相關資源也少好很多,連包含網頁、資料庫、PHP的Server安裝都用幾行字帶過,這篇文章就是要補足原廠的不足,讓大家都可以開開心心安裝Concerto

System Requirements 系統需求(摘自官網):
Installing Concerto requires some basic server administration experience. You'll need to have installed and be familiar with the setup of:

* A *nix OS
* PHP 5.2+, along with the GD, MySQL, and Curl libraries
* A web server with URL rewriting capabilities (such as mod_rewrite under Apache)
* MySQL 4.1+
* Cron (and crontab access)

Installation 安裝說明文件:

1 安裝 Apache Web Server
apt-get install apache2

1.1 確認 Apache 安裝:
用 Firefox 開啟 http://localhost/

2 安裝 PHP
apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd php5-mysql
2.1 重啟 apache2
service apache2 restart
2.2 PHP 安裝測試
建立 /var/www/phpinfo.php,內容如下
<? phpinfo(); ?>
使用 Firefox 開啟 http://localhost/phpinfo.php

3 imagemagick (用途不明,好像是用來產生縮圖的)
apt-get install imagemagick

4 pear (用途不明,)
apt-get install php-pear

5 下載 Concerto 原始碼:

5.1 解壓縮到 /var/www/concerto目錄下
tar xvfz /home/test/Desktop/concerto-1.9.2-NoCAS.tar.gz

6 開啟apache 的 rewrite 模組
a2enmode rewrite


"1. Create a MySQL database, user, and password for Concerto to use."
shell: mysql -u root -p //登入mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE Concerto; //創建資料庫 Conserto,這邊名自己可自己定,但是要跟設定檔一致
mysql> SHOW DATABASES; //查看資料庫建立的狀況
mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO Concerto IDENTIFIED BY 'Concerto'; //建立使用者Concerto並指定密碼Concerto,同時賦予完整的權限
mysql> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user; //查看使用者建立的結果
mysql> SHOW GRANTS //查看權限的設定狀況

"2. Import schema.sql and data.sql into the database. schema.sql is critical for all new installations, data.sql contains some *really* important starter data, as well as a sampling from our support center. At the minimum, a new installation requires schema.sql and the top of data.sql imported in that order. The support center isn't required, but it may be linked to on various pages."
mysql -u Concerto -pConcerto Concerto < schema.sql //使用檔案重導完成import動作
mysql -u Concerto -pConcerto Concerto < data.sql //共有兩個檔案要import

"3. Upload Concerto to a web-accessible folder on your server."
確認解壓後的原始碼被正確的放在 /var/www/concerto 目錄內

"4. Create a copy of config.inc.php.sample and name it config.inc.php."
cd /var/www/concerto
cp config.inc.php.sample config.inc.php //以sample設定檔為範本,完成最重要的設定

"5. Edit config.inc.php with the following settings:"
//Database Connection
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_login = 'Concerto'; //剛剛建立使用者的登入名稱
$db_password = 'Concerto'; //剛剛建立使用者的登入密碼
$db_database = 'Concerto'; //剛剛建立的資料庫名稱

//Important paths
define('ROOT_DIR', '/var/www/concerto/'); //原始碼放置的目錄所在

"6. Your web server will require write access to the /content directory and its subdirectories. Adjust your permissions accordingly with chmod and chown."

"7. Visit install/diagnostics.php in a web browser to see if anything fails (everything should PASS). This script tests the server requirements and some of the configuration options set in steps 5 and 6."
使用 Firefox 開啟 http://localhost/install/diagnostics.php,看到以下內容就表示成功了

"10. Enjoy your Concerto installation!"


Digital Signage寫道…

I have been searching for this information and finally found it. Thanks for posting all the helpful information.


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